

Yesterday, the annual Iizuka City Speech Contest was held. We had three students from Iizuka High School enter the English speech section and 3 students enter the Japanese speech section. There was a variety of interesting topics and it was clear that everyone had prepared and practiced very hard. Congratulations to all students that entered yesterdays speech contest. It is difficult to stand in front of an audience and speak a language that is not your native language, so you should all be very proud of your result. Natasha

A huge congratulations to the runners up of the English speech contest, Yukina Harada and Kazuto Imamura. Yukina’s title was ‘1 in 13’. She spoke about the LGBTQ community and how we as a nation must become more open-minded and accepting. She delivered an incredible speech that left the audience more aware of the LGBTQ community and motivated to do more. Kazuto’s title was ‘ The Time is Now’. His topic was on the ‘Leadership Developmental Program’ which he participated in online recently. He spoke about his experience and the main idea he took away from the program was ‘time’. A final congratulations to Wang Chenlu, an Iizuka High School 3rd year Chinese exchange student who placed 1st in the Japanese Speech Contest. Her topic was 「文化の伝承とイノベーション」.She delivered a fantastic speech with confidence and enthusiasm. Well done to all. Natasha
